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1 comment:

  1. Hi Professor,

    so I'm not sure where to post this particular comment so I guess here is a good a place as any. I got the emailed update about your blog and kept the tab for about week while I've been science class-ing it up, and now that I finally have a moment: since your post was class related, it got me thinking it could make for some really interesting blog content if you took basic class material--anatomy, physiology, biology--and wrote short articles explaining or exploring interesting questions or dispelling myths. For instance, I remember from class (might have been our anatomy class, but possibly from another of many many pre-medical classes) how when it's cold, the actual drop in temperature itself has nothing to do with you becoming sick, but rather it's because your mucous membranes dry up and don't defend you as well and that you tend to be inside more, around other people. I still think about that--just because it's such a cool tidbit of knowledge--and wow people with it (ok maybe wow is a strong word) whenever I get the chance. So stuff like that would be really cool, I think. Or answering student questions; for instance, I'd be interested to know exactly what musculature you use in an arm wrestle, or why you should always step into a punch when you punch someone (these randomly come to mind; I think you might have talked a little about the punching one in class). A really great example of this sort of thing is http://what-if.xkcd.com. The writer explores awesome, inventive scenarios from the point of view of physics/math. I think something like that for physiology would have some potential for spectacular.

    Anyhoos. Just a thought--and now back to studying!
